Working with WEND Magazine

As we mentioned earlier this winter, we published a feature story in WEND Magazine about our skiing adventures in the remote Schweizerland Alps along the coast of East Greenland. We’ve had our eye on WEND for a few years now, and it’s exciting to be working more closely with a magazine that is dedicated to adventure for adventure’s sake, the outdoor lifestyle and the issues we care about most.

Starting this week, WEND will be featuring our skiing adventures on their community-oriented “iWEND” website. You can check out our first contribution HERE.

And later this month, on assignment for WEND (with other assignments for Adventure Cyclist and others), we will be setting off on a month-long, bike-supported skiing adventure through Norway’s Arctic Alps. We’ll be way, way, way up north, above the Arctic Circle, climbing and skiing wild, snow-covered mountains that tower 1500m over the sea, and with some luck, catching and eating fjord cod and fresh mackerel for dinner (or breakfast!).

Stay tuned for more soon, and be sure to check out WEND Magazine online or at your local newstands.

Skiing East Greenland Story in WEND Magazine

Oregon-based WEND Magazine has recently published our story and photographs featuring our recent backcountry skiing adventure among the fjords, islands and towering peaks of East Greenland. You can view a sneak peek at our story HERE. (Stay tuned to this blog post for an updated link to a full PDF version of our story soon)

WEND is a great new magazine dedicated to providing readers with top-rate stories and photographs under the auspices of “Adventure/Inspiration/Travel/Activism”. Please consider subscribing to this excellent publication. We will also be contributing adventure skiing content to WEND’s blog soon. Here’s a bit more about WEND… “Our mission is to educate and inspire, as we see travel and experience as revelation that enriches our lives, and makes us better world citizens. We travel not to escape but to challenge ourselves and discover the humanity that every culture, big or small, poor or rich, shares. Sometimes grand adventure takes us to the other side of the planet, atop a towering peak, across an ocean, or even to our own cities, just around the corner. Our narrative style doesn’t focus so much on where we go, or what summit we made, but rather all the nuances of how we get there. We are people who write in our journals, take photographs, and build our understanding of the world one step at a time with humility and respect.”

Our Photos in the Times Argus – Supporting the VNRC

Last week, in Vermont’s Times Argus newspaper, a photo of ours opened a story, authored by correspondent Jake Brown, about ATV use on Vermont’s public lands. See our photo and the story HERE.

Since December 2008, we have been working with Vermont’s Natural Resources Council (VNRC) by providing them with images they can use for their ongoing website, fundraising, media and membership communications. We’ve also donated some of our fine-art photography to an auction the VRNC organizes in conjunction with the Wild and Scenic Film Festival, hosted by the VRNC in Burlington every fall.

The VNRC is Vermont’s leading statewide organization dedicated to protecting our natural resources and our environment through research, education and advocacy. We feel lucky to have organizations like the VNRC that are working hard to protect the great things we love about life in Vermont. Please check out their website, and if you support their work, consider supporting them with a donation of money, your time or membership.

Backcountry, VT Sports, Vermont Life

We are lucky here in Vermont to have a great selection of locally-produced publications. Working with them is especially fun in that it often motivates us to focus on what around us, close to home. Be it surfing the Mad River, running Vermont’s highest ridgelines or skiing the forgotten backcountry of Hedgehog Knoll, you’ll often get a taste of what we are up to when you pick up one of these fine Vermont publications. Stay tuned to the portfolio section of our website, too, to view a regularly updated archive of the work we publish.

Below are a few recent clips from a recent issue of Backcountry Magazine, Vermont Sports and the summer 09 issue of Vermont Life (on newstands now). Vermont Sports is a monthly publication covering outdoor sports and adventure in Vermont, and is free at most fine outdoor, ski and bike shops across the state. Backcountry is based in Jeffersonville, VT. Subscriptions are a great way to support these publications.

Patagonia Catalog

Patagonia Inc., highly respected for its environmentally and socially conscious approach to doing business, continues to use our photographs to market its products and inspire others to live closer to the earth.

Here are two recent spreads from the Holiday 08 and Heart of Winter 09 catalogs featuring our work…as well as the 2 covers! we shot for them last winter…