Trail Riding on a Terminal Moraine

New England’s “Outer Lands”, which include outer Cape Cod, and the islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, are essentially the remnants of a giant terminal moraine left behind by the retreating glaciers and ice sheets that once covered present-day New England. Recently, we’ve been documenting some of the trail riding and mountain biking opportunities in this fascinating landscape, where single track trails wind through shrub oak forests and windswept moors, and the smell of the salty sea is always in the air.

We captured the image above while following our friend Sean Curry around the pine forests of Nantucket Island. In the low light of dusk, we were able to use a relatively slow shutter speed (1/30th of a second), combined with the panning of the camera, to add a sense of movement, speed and direction to the scene. The image below offers a off-road cyclist’s perspective on the coastal landscape dominated by the many green shades of shrub oak, berry bushes, heath and much more.

Happy trails!
-Brian and Emily

Camera Info: (Above) Canon 7D, 10mm, ISO 640, 1/30, f3.5; (Below) Canon 7D, 18mm, ISO 400, 1/80, f4

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Pedal-Powered Skiing: Norway Bound

(In the shed: Prepping the skis and bikes)

We’re making preparations for a month-long adventure, starting April 22, through Norway’s Arctic Alps. We’ll be working on assignment for WEND Magazine, Adventure Cyclist and others, and partnering with a long list of folks in the skiing and cycling worlds to document and share this adventure with others – through the outdoor media and our own Wild People, Wild Places Slideshow Series. Please look for our posts about the adventure at our skiing website,

Stay tuned for more!

-Brian and Emily

Working with WEND Magazine

As we mentioned earlier this winter, we published a feature story in WEND Magazine about our skiing adventures in the remote Schweizerland Alps along the coast of East Greenland. We’ve had our eye on WEND for a few years now, and it’s exciting to be working more closely with a magazine that is dedicated to adventure for adventure’s sake, the outdoor lifestyle and the issues we care about most.

Starting this week, WEND will be featuring our skiing adventures on their community-oriented “iWEND” website. You can check out our first contribution HERE.

And later this month, on assignment for WEND (with other assignments for Adventure Cyclist and others), we will be setting off on a month-long, bike-supported skiing adventure through Norway’s Arctic Alps. We’ll be way, way, way up north, above the Arctic Circle, climbing and skiing wild, snow-covered mountains that tower 1500m over the sea, and with some luck, catching and eating fjord cod and fresh mackerel for dinner (or breakfast!).

Stay tuned for more soon, and be sure to check out WEND Magazine online or at your local newstands.