About Us

We are a husband and wife team of photographers (Brian Mohr and Emily Johnson) specializing in outdoor adventure, weddings, photojournalism, portraiture, architectural and marketing photography. We also shoot for a wide variety of editorial, commercial and non-profit clients worldwide. Ultimately, we enjoy photographing anything that truly catches our eyes.


Lucky enough to have been born and raised in New England, we have learned to embrace Mother Nature’s many moods. After all, says a dear friend of ours, “If there’s no rain… there are no rainbows.” Since meeting in 1998, we’ve shaped our lives around a simple desire to visually capture and communicate the beauty and essence of this incredible planet and its people. And whether we are on a mountain top in Arctic Greenland or documenting a wedding close to home in Vermont, the world never ceases to inspire us.

Today, our photographic work is widely published and relied upon by a great variety of editorial, non-profit and commercial clients locally and around the globe – a list including Patagonia Inc., Outside Magazine, Winter Wildlands Alliance, Iceland Tourism, the New York Times, Mad River Glen and many others. With respect to weddings, we work closely as a team, and schedule only 10-12 weddings each year. Deeply in love ourselves, weddings are one of our favorite subjects, and we greatly enjoy documenting these incredible celebrations of life, love and family.

Most know us for our love for nature, travel and outdoor adventure – especially human-powered outdoor adventure. No doubt, these subjects drive much of our work, while providing excellent fodder for our own series of multi-media presentations. Since 2001, we’ve presented shows to over one hundred venues in New England and across the country. Additionally, we exhibit our strongest work in a fine-art setting at several galleries, stores and gathering places throughout New England.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time by phone or email (See above). We look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks! – Brian & Emily

A note about our Wild People, Wild Places project:

In addition to encouraging others to enjoy and protect our planet’s most special places, we make significant contributions each year to organizations working toward these same goals. Be it the work of the Green Mountain Club to preserve the Long Trail corridor here in Vermont, or the conservation efforts of the Winter Wildlands Alliance nationwide, working with us helps to support the long term protection of our world’s most special, and increasingly threatened, places.

Organizations with which we work:

Catamount Trail Association (CTA)
Conservacion Patagonica
Green Mountain Club
The Nature Conservancy of VT
Stark Mountain Foundation
Vermont Backcountry Alliance (VTBC)
Vermont Land Trust (VLT)
Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC)
Winter Wildlands Alliance

Outdoor businesses with whom we partner with on many levels, including our work as ambassadors and sponsored athletes:

Patagonia (contributing photographers)
Outdoor Research (ambassadors)
Mad River Glen
Julbo USA
Mammut NA
Black Diamond
VT Artisan Coffee
Darn Tough Socks

Ember Photography
Brian Mohr & Emily Johnson
514 Howes Rd | Moretown, VT 05660 | USA
web: www.emberphoto.com
email: info (at) emberphoto.com (replace -at- with @ when sending)
ph 802-989-0570 text/cell

Facebook: facebook.com/emberphoto
Twitter: twitter.com/emberphoto

Available worldwide.

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