Our Slideshow Series Wraps Up w/ March 31 Show

Our last scheduled slideshow of the season is coming up this Thursday, March 31 at 7pm at the historic Inn at Long Trail along Rt. 4 b/w Killington and Pico, Vermont. At the end of this show, we will do a final drawing on the four pairs of skis for which tickets have been drawn throughout the season. We will announce winners at the show, and ship the skis to any winners not present.

Thanks to everyone who has supported and turned out to our slideshows this winter season. What a winter it has been!
-Brian and Emily

The Mad River Glen/Alta Connection – Feature Story in Vermont Sports

If you have enjoyed skiing Vermont’s Mad River Glen and Utah’s Alta ski area, you can probably relate to this story (View/print PDF here). The shared spirit between these two ski areas is legendary, and we’ve never come across a greater concentration of dedicated skiers anywhere.

Vermont Sports publishes monthly and features all things outdoor sports and adventure. We’ve been contributing to this unique and local publication for nearly ten years. It provides us with some great opportunities to share our work closer to home. You can subscribe to and view VT Sports online, or pick up a copy at your local outdoor store, ski shop and at many local cafes.
-Brian and Emily

Cover/Feature Story in WEND Magazine

In the latest winter issue, WEND Magazine has just published a feature story about our pedal-powered skiing adventures in Arctic Norway last spring. WEND also chose one of our images for the cover and ran another image as a 2-page spread and opener to the issue. Look out for WEND Magazine at larger bookstores, some outdoor stores, especially in the western US. You can take a sneak peek at the story HERE. Check back soon for a downloadable PDF version of the story here, too.

Thanks! – Brian

One-Day Winter Photography Workshop: Support the Catamount Trail – Sat, Jan. 15

With more interest in a simple, one-day workshop than our original plan for a weekend-long workshop this January…we have decided to cancel plans for the weekend workshop (schedule for Jan 14-15 at Trapps), and offer a one-day workshop at a private home in Underhill, VT on Saturday, January 15 from 9a – 4 pm. Presented by us (Brian and Emily) and organized by the Catamount Trail Association (CTA), the event will also help to raise some important funds supporting the CTA’s ongoing work maintaining and securing long term access to Vermont’s Catamount Ski Trail – our nation’s longest backcountry ski trail.

For more information about our upcoming 1-day outdoor winter photography workshop, please go to this LINK, or feel free to contact us anytime by phone or email, too, with your questions. We hope you can join us. Thanks for spreading the word, too!

And, Happy Holidays to everyone!

-Brian and Emily

Deepcember Snows

Although snow is by no means abundant in Vermont right now, Deepcember is likely just around the corner with a change in the jet stream forecasted for later this week. The image above was captured in December 2008. And with Deepcember now a welcome tradition (for skiers, at least) , I decided to write a story about it for Vermont’s Seven Days. Check it out HERE


As the Snow Flies…Our Slideshow Season Kicks Off!

Our annual Wild People, Wild Places Slideshow Series kicks off on Thursday, Nov. 4 at The Mountain Goat in Hanover, NH (home of Dartmouth College), with our latest show: 2 Wheels, 2 Planks: Pedal-Powered Skiing in Arctic Norway. The show features our adventures in Arctic Norway this past spring, 2010, which were reported on through a series of posts on AdventureSkier, here.

The schedule for the season is coming together now, and will feature at least 10 shows throughout the northeast. Once again, we’ve got some great raffle prizes this year, including 2 pairs of BD skis, a TripleMajor Ski Pass (Mad River Glen, Bolton, Jay Peak), apparel from OR, gear from Garmont and Life Link, and much more… See poster below, and more info/press release below that… Pass it on. And feel free to contact us if you’d like to host a show in your area. Thanks!
– Brian and Emily

Wild People, Wild Places 2010-11
SHOW# 1: 2 WHEELS, 2 PLANKS – Pedal Powered Skiing in Arctic Norway
A multi-media show by Brian Mohr and Emily Johnson
WHEN: Thursday, Nov 4, 2010 @ 7pm
WHERE: The Mountain Goat (outdoor store) – Main St in Hanover, NH
COST: $5 Admission (On sale now at the Mountain Goat) Includes RAFFLE Ticket
INFO: info(at)emberphoto.com

Hanover, NH – On Thurs,Nov. 4 at 7pm, Vermont-based photographers and adventurers Brian Mohr and Emily Johnson will bring their latest show, “Two Wheels, Two Planks – Pedal Powered Skiing in Arctic Norway” to The Mountain Goat on Main St. in Hanover, NH. The show features the couple’s recent bike-powered skiing exploration of Norway’s Arctic Alps, and will benefit Girls Move Mountains. It is part of the duo’s ongoing Wild People, Wild Place Slideshow Series, which features ten shows throughout the upcoming winter season.

“We dreamt of a bike-powered skiing adventure for many years, “ says Johnson, who along with her husband, Mohr, and two close friends, headed to Norway this past spring on assignment for WEND and Adventure Cyclist magazines. “And it was a dream come true. The combination of cycling, camping and backcountry skiing gave us great freedom to explore.”

The show will feature a mix of photos and video, run approximately one hour and be followed by big raffle of outdoor gear – proceeds from which will benefit the VT-based organization, Girls Move Mountains, which nurtures girls’ innate capacity for confidence, courage, and leadership through adventure-based experiential education.. Admission is $5 and includes one raffle ticket. Mohr and Johnson co-own Ember Photography (www.EmberPhoto.com) and are regular contributors to Backcountry Magazine, Patagonia, Vermont Life and many others. Much of their work focuses on the enjoyment and protection of wild lands in the northeast, the Arctic and in the southern Andes.

ABOUT: The Wild People, Wild Places project is an ongoing series of exhibits and slideshows designed to inspire the public to enjoy and protect the very places featured. Through their shows, Brian Mohr and Emily Johnson share stories and images from their backcountry skiing, paddling, backpacking and adventure cycling throughout the Northeast, the Arctic, the southern Andes, Europe and North America. Mohr and Johnson photograph for a wide variety of editorial, fine art, wedding and commercial clients. Their work is widely published. For more information, please contact the photographers by phone or email, or visit their websites: www.emberphoto.com and www.adventureskier.com

Our Photo Selected for new VT Photo Space Exhibit

One of our photographs was recently selected by jury for inclusion in the latest upcoming exhibit at the relatively new Vermont Photo Space gallery in Essex Junction, VT. Our photo, entitled, “Chacabuco” (and featured above), captures one of the last great sheep herds in Chilean’s Patagonia’s endangered Rio Baker watershed. The exhibit, entitled, “Managed Landscapes”, will be open to the public starting Sept 6, 2010. You can learn more about our experiences in this region, and the issues affecting it, at the following link on our main website – HERE. Also, If you are around Burlington on Friday, Sept 17, please consider stopping by the Vermont Photo Space for the opening reception of the exhibit, which will continue into early October.

Thanks! – Brian and Emily

River Snorkeling – Working with Seven Days

Starting this August, we’ll be publishing a monthly, photo-driven feature in Vermont’s popular and independent weekly, Seven Days.  Seven Days is widely read across the state, and it is a terrific source for the latest news, perspectives and commentary on the issues and subjects that matter most to Vermonters. Our first feature with Seven Days shares some perspective on one of our favorite summertime activities – river snorkeling.  Check it out here.

-Brian and Emily

Iceland Photo in Outside Magazine

We’re happy to report that one of our favorite images was recently selected for publication in the “Exposure” section of Outside Magazine’s June 2010 issue (page 10) – which is on newstands now. It’s an image that Emily and I captured while searching for an underground hot spring in the Myvatn geothermal area in north central Iceland last spring. Emily crawled down into this fissure to sniff out the spring, and we enjoyed some incredible time in its soothing, hot waters before heading out for an early evening ski tour on a nearby volcano. (Look below for an image taken inside the underground hot spring.)

Says Amy Silverman, Outside’s Associate Photo Editor, “When I’m looking for images that work for the Exposure section, one of the most popular sections of the magazine, I don’t know exactly what will work until I see it and it clicks. Brian and Emily sent me some of their work from Iceland and, when I saw the image we ended up using, I knew immediately that it would make a great Exposure. It was the shot that made me stop and say, “Wow! That’s amazing!!” It’s a beautiful photo but more than that it’s something you rarely see.”

There’s also a great story, penned by Patrick Symmes, in Outside’s June issue about the controversy surrounding the proposed damming of Chilean Patagonia’s Rio Baker Valley – a region which we have explored on our bikes, feet and skis over the years.  Here’s a page on our website dedicated to our experiences in Patagonia’s Rio Baker region….LINK.