Skiing with the Kids

©Brian Mohr/ EmberPhoto - All rights reserved

After climbing Vermont’s General Stark Mountain (home of Mad River Glen ski area), we opted for a quick family photo before setting off on a very fun descent down Mad River Glen’s northeast facing trail network. Despite the dearth of snow here in Vermont this season, there is still top to bottom skiing at Mad River Glen right now. Our girls (Maiana, 3 yrs, and Lenora, 8 mos) ride on our backs when we climb mountains and ski, often sleeping for 1-2 hours during our climb, and then waking in time to enjoy the thrill of gravity with us on the way down.

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Green Mountain Goodness

Green Mountains, Mad River Glen, Vermont, USA - ©Brian Mohr/ EmberPhoto - All rights reserved

Old Man Winter has been slow to coerce the Snow Gods into action this season, but he’s finally having some success this week. Here’s a snap of our good friend Forrest Twombly enjoying one of our favorite runs on the planet this week, at Vermont’s Mad River Glen.

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Celebrating Winter

Green Mountains, Vermont, USA ©Brian Mohr/ EmberPhoto - All rights reserved

Winter arrived early to our Vermont landscape, and thanks to Old Man Winter’s generosity, we’ve been out skiing almost daily in our local hills, fields and mountains since early November. This image features a particularly memorable – and snowy – late afternoon around Thanksgiving, just above our local village in Vermont’s Green Mountains. We climbed and skied for several runs, and lingered right til dark. In this photo, Emily is skiing, while little Maiana (now 22 months) enjoys the ride on her back.

Camera Info: Canon 7OD, 43mm, ISO 500, 1/60, f5;

If you are interested in any images within our growing selection of fine-art photography, please contact us or take a look at our Print Pricing page, for more info. Thanks!

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A Big Milestone

We reached a big milestone today… Our Lil’ Maiana is now three months old and Emily has rocked through her “fourth trimester” in great form. We are all in great health, enjoying loads of fresh air and fun adventures daily together. Brian is taking to fatherhood naturally and easily. And Maiana is springing to life in so many wonderful ways.

Thanks to all our friends and families and neighbors for your amazing support! Below are a few recent images to share. Stay tuned and check out our EmberPhoto Facebook page for more.

Here’s to another lifetime of adventure…

-Brian, Emily and Lil’ Maiana

Emily rakes for quahogs in early May while Maiana sleeps peacefully in our trusty chest pouch…

Maiana just taking it all in…

Brian’s sister, Lindsay, takes a break from work to say hello…

Maiana assumes full mush-pile status (deep sleep) alongside one of our favorite streams…

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Welcome Lil' Snowflake

Please welcome the newest member of the EmberPhoto team, Maiana Snow Mohr (pronounced My-ahna and aka Lil’ Snowflake), who completed her wild journey into the world (including many great ski days in-utero) on Feb. 19th, 2013 at Gifford Birthing Center in Randolph, VT. She was 7lbs, 7oz and 20.5″ at birth, and she’s a very healthy, playful and vibrant little girl who is eating well, pooping well and getting a whole lot more sleep than we are! We’ve been back out in the snow-covered fields, forests and mountains with her daily since she was just nine days young, and we’re looking forward to many unique adventures together in the weeks and months to come.

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Foliage Skiing on ESPN

While there may not be much more than fallen leaves covering the valleys, colder temps have enabled snow to fall in our local mountains several times already this month. With good color still clinging to the hardwood trees, it’s a real treat to out in the snow this time of year. Foliage skiing, as we tend to call it around here, has become an annual pastime…seasonally appropriate adventure at its best. We recently published a short writeup and photo essay on the subject on You can check it out HERE.
Happy fall!

– Brian and Emily

Camera Info: Canon 5D, 50mm, ISO 400, 1/160, f4;

If you are interested in any images within our growing selection of fine-art photography, please contact us or take a look at our Print Pricing page, for more info. Thanks!

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Trail Riding on a Terminal Moraine

New England’s “Outer Lands”, which include outer Cape Cod, and the islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, are essentially the remnants of a giant terminal moraine left behind by the retreating glaciers and ice sheets that once covered present-day New England. Recently, we’ve been documenting some of the trail riding and mountain biking opportunities in this fascinating landscape, where single track trails wind through shrub oak forests and windswept moors, and the smell of the salty sea is always in the air.

We captured the image above while following our friend Sean Curry around the pine forests of Nantucket Island. In the low light of dusk, we were able to use a relatively slow shutter speed (1/30th of a second), combined with the panning of the camera, to add a sense of movement, speed and direction to the scene. The image below offers a off-road cyclist’s perspective on the coastal landscape dominated by the many green shades of shrub oak, berry bushes, heath and much more.

Happy trails!
-Brian and Emily

Camera Info: (Above) Canon 7D, 10mm, ISO 640, 1/30, f3.5; (Below) Canon 7D, 18mm, ISO 400, 1/80, f4

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In early May, after four weeks of bicycle-powered skiing through the Alps of Switzerland, Austria and Italy, we finally gave into gravity once last time as we rolled out of the mountains toward Zurich. We skied delectable corn snow in the morning, coasted through orchards of blossoming fruit trees after lunch, and camped among songbirds one last time by a river choked with snow melt. By morning, our surroundings down in the forested foothills had us feeling like we could have already been right at home in Vermont. Then a local train whistled by… Vermont was still a long way off.

Look for more updates about our recent adventure in the Alps on our skiing website, or at this link HERE.

Thanks and enjoy! – Brian and Emily

Camera Info: Canon 7D, 70mm, ISO 125, 1/250, f16

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Photo of the Month – April: Pedal-Powered Skiing in the Swiss/Austrian/Italian Alps

pedal powered skiing, alps, bicycleIn pursuit of some good old fashioned adventure, we set off in early April on a five week long, bicycle-powered skiing adventure through the heart of the Swiss/Austrian/Italian Alps.

Throughout the months of April and May, you can follow our adventure on our skiing website, or at this link HERE. Thanks and enjoy! – Brian and Emily

Camera Info: Canon 7D, 24mm, ISO 100, 1/500, f7.1

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