New Wedding Portfolio to Share

We’re in the very early planning and research stages of a long-overdue website upgrade. (With some luck, we’ll have a beautiful new website to share in the fall of 2012!) In the meanwhile, we’ve been sifting through the hundreds of thousands of photos we’ve captured in recent years, and building out an image library that we (and our clients) can tap for an increasing array of projects. On the wedding front, we’ve put together a new wedding portfolio to share, which can be viewed as a simple online slideshow. You can access this through the Weddings page on our main website,, or through this direct link here.

Thanks and enjoy the photos.
-Brian and Emily


Our Slideshow Series Wraps Up w/ March 31 Show

Our last scheduled slideshow of the season is coming up this Thursday, March 31 at 7pm at the historic Inn at Long Trail along Rt. 4 b/w Killington and Pico, Vermont. At the end of this show, we will do a final drawing on the four pairs of skis for which tickets have been drawn throughout the season. We will announce winners at the show, and ship the skis to any winners not present.

Thanks to everyone who has supported and turned out to our slideshows this winter season. What a winter it has been!
-Brian and Emily

As the Snow Flies…Our Slideshow Season Kicks Off!

Our annual Wild People, Wild Places Slideshow Series kicks off on Thursday, Nov. 4 at The Mountain Goat in Hanover, NH (home of Dartmouth College), with our latest show: 2 Wheels, 2 Planks: Pedal-Powered Skiing in Arctic Norway. The show features our adventures in Arctic Norway this past spring, 2010, which were reported on through a series of posts on AdventureSkier, here.

The schedule for the season is coming together now, and will feature at least 10 shows throughout the northeast. Once again, we’ve got some great raffle prizes this year, including 2 pairs of BD skis, a TripleMajor Ski Pass (Mad River Glen, Bolton, Jay Peak), apparel from OR, gear from Garmont and Life Link, and much more… See poster below, and more info/press release below that… Pass it on. And feel free to contact us if you’d like to host a show in your area. Thanks!
– Brian and Emily

Wild People, Wild Places 2010-11
SHOW# 1: 2 WHEELS, 2 PLANKS – Pedal Powered Skiing in Arctic Norway
A multi-media show by Brian Mohr and Emily Johnson
WHEN: Thursday, Nov 4, 2010 @ 7pm
WHERE: The Mountain Goat (outdoor store) – Main St in Hanover, NH
COST: $5 Admission (On sale now at the Mountain Goat) Includes RAFFLE Ticket
INFO: info(at)

Hanover, NH – On Thurs,Nov. 4 at 7pm, Vermont-based photographers and adventurers Brian Mohr and Emily Johnson will bring their latest show, “Two Wheels, Two Planks – Pedal Powered Skiing in Arctic Norway” to The Mountain Goat on Main St. in Hanover, NH. The show features the couple’s recent bike-powered skiing exploration of Norway’s Arctic Alps, and will benefit Girls Move Mountains. It is part of the duo’s ongoing Wild People, Wild Place Slideshow Series, which features ten shows throughout the upcoming winter season.

“We dreamt of a bike-powered skiing adventure for many years, “ says Johnson, who along with her husband, Mohr, and two close friends, headed to Norway this past spring on assignment for WEND and Adventure Cyclist magazines. “And it was a dream come true. The combination of cycling, camping and backcountry skiing gave us great freedom to explore.”

The show will feature a mix of photos and video, run approximately one hour and be followed by big raffle of outdoor gear – proceeds from which will benefit the VT-based organization, Girls Move Mountains, which nurtures girls’ innate capacity for confidence, courage, and leadership through adventure-based experiential education.. Admission is $5 and includes one raffle ticket. Mohr and Johnson co-own Ember Photography ( and are regular contributors to Backcountry Magazine, Patagonia, Vermont Life and many others. Much of their work focuses on the enjoyment and protection of wild lands in the northeast, the Arctic and in the southern Andes.

ABOUT: The Wild People, Wild Places project is an ongoing series of exhibits and slideshows designed to inspire the public to enjoy and protect the very places featured. Through their shows, Brian Mohr and Emily Johnson share stories and images from their backcountry skiing, paddling, backpacking and adventure cycling throughout the Northeast, the Arctic, the southern Andes, Europe and North America. Mohr and Johnson photograph for a wide variety of editorial, fine art, wedding and commercial clients. Their work is widely published. For more information, please contact the photographers by phone or email, or visit their websites: and

Working with the Green Mountain Club

Since 2005, we’ve been supporting the great work of the Green Mountain Club (GMC) – the primary steward of Vermont’s 200+ mile Long Trail hiking trail – by collaborating on an annual slideshow event in our local communities (through the GMC’s Annual James P. Taylor Series) and by providing the GMC with discounted access to our growing library of photographs.  Recently, the GMC published a new book in celebration of the GMC’s 100th birthday, entitled, A Century in the Mountains, which features several large scale reproductions of images we’ve captured along the Long Trail.  And on the cover of this summer’s Long Trail News, the GMC published an image captured by Emily when hiking last summer in southern Vermont’s new Glastenbury Wildnerness Area (above). Starting this summer, too, several of our fine-art photographs (matted and framed) will be on display at the GMC’s headquarters along Rt. 100 in Waterbury Center, VT. Proceeds from the sale of these prints will also be donated to the GMC.

You can support the great work of the GMC by coming out to our slideshows or considering the purchase of our fine-art photography, but most importantly, by becoming a member of the GMC, by volunteering some time, or by offering a gift to the GMC. GMC Membership has lots of nice benefits, whether you live in Vermont and use the Long Trail, or not. Please help the GMC reach its goal in its 100th year for 10,000 members, and consider joining or giving the gift of membership (upcoming birthday, wedding?) to one of Vermont’s greatest organizations.


-Brian and Emily

Two Upcoming Iceland Slideshows w/ Mike Libecki in Alta, Utah

As part of world class explorer and climber Mike Libecki’s evening celebration of mountain adventure, we will present a shortened version of our multi-media slideshow, “Off Piste in Iceland”, this coming Weds and Thurs, Jan 27 & 28, starting at 7pm each night, at Our Lady of our Snows in Alta, Utah. Our Iceland segment will highlight 10 years of backcountry skiing adventure in the Land of Fire and Ice. The event is a free event hosted by Alta Community Enrichment.

Our Slideshow Season Begins!

On Saturday, Nov 7 at The Mountain Goat in Hanover, NH, we will be kicking off our 5th Annual Wild People, Wild Places Slideshow Series with the latest incarnation of our ever-evolving show, Off Piste in the Northeast. Our shows feature our primarily human-powered (and often skiing focused) adventures through the Northeast US/Canada, Patagonia, Iceland, Greenland and beyond, and they conclude with a raffle of outdoor gear and prizes that helps to raise funds for our ongoing conservation work with organizations like the Green Mountain Club, the Vermont Natural Resources Council, Conservacion Patagonica and others…

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