Working with the Green Mountain Club

Since 2005, we’ve been supporting the great work of the Green Mountain Club (GMC) – the primary steward of Vermont’s 200+ mile Long Trail hiking trail – by collaborating on an annual slideshow event in our local communities (through the GMC’s Annual James P. Taylor Series) and by providing the GMC with discounted access to our growing library of photographs.  Recently, the GMC published a new book in celebration of the GMC’s 100th birthday, entitled, A Century in the Mountains, which features several large scale reproductions of images we’ve captured along the Long Trail.  And on the cover of this summer’s Long Trail News, the GMC published an image captured by Emily when hiking last summer in southern Vermont’s new Glastenbury Wildnerness Area (above). Starting this summer, too, several of our fine-art photographs (matted and framed) will be on display at the GMC’s headquarters along Rt. 100 in Waterbury Center, VT. Proceeds from the sale of these prints will also be donated to the GMC.

You can support the great work of the GMC by coming out to our slideshows or considering the purchase of our fine-art photography, but most importantly, by becoming a member of the GMC, by volunteering some time, or by offering a gift to the GMC. GMC Membership has lots of nice benefits, whether you live in Vermont and use the Long Trail, or not. Please help the GMC reach its goal in its 100th year for 10,000 members, and consider joining or giving the gift of membership (upcoming birthday, wedding?) to one of Vermont’s greatest organizations.


-Brian and Emily