New England’s “Outer Lands”, which include outer Cape Cod, and the islands of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard, are essentially the remnants of a giant terminal moraine left behind by the retreating glaciers and ice sheets that once covered present-day New England. Recently, we’ve been documenting some of the trail riding and mountain biking opportunities in this fascinating landscape, where single track trails wind through shrub oak forests and windswept moors, and the smell of the salty sea is always in the air.
We captured the image above while following our friend Sean Curry around the pine forests of Nantucket Island. In the low light of dusk, we were able to use a relatively slow shutter speed (1/30th of a second), combined with the panning of the camera, to add a sense of movement, speed and direction to the scene. The image below offers a off-road cyclist’s perspective on the coastal landscape dominated by the many green shades of shrub oak, berry bushes, heath and much more.
Happy trails!
-Brian and Emily
Camera Info: (Above) Canon 7D, 10mm, ISO 640, 1/30, f3.5; (Below) Canon 7D, 18mm, ISO 400, 1/80, f4

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