Last Trail Ride for the Season…

Camera Info: Canon 7D, 18mm, ISO 250, 1/30, f5.6;

If you are interested in any images within our growing selection of fine-art photography, please contact us or take a look at our Print Pricing page, for more info. Thanks!

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First Turns of the Season…

It’s late October in Vermont, a time when Old Man Winter starts to come around again after several months away. And while the Old Man might not be settling in for the winter season just yet, it sure is fun to grab the skis again, head up into the hills, and slide around on the nice coat of early season snow he recently laid down for us. – Brian

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Love and Rainbows in Vermont…

Congrats to Erica and Ben, who recently married and celebrated with family and friends on their beautiful property in the very heart of Vermont’s Green Mountains. Our wedding schedule is already booking up for 2014, so please contact us soon if are planning an event you’d like us to photograph in the coming year. Thanks! – Brian and Emily

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A Big Milestone

We reached a big milestone today… Our Lil’ Maiana is now three months old and Emily has rocked through her “fourth trimester” in great form. We are all in great health, enjoying loads of fresh air and fun adventures daily together. Brian is taking to fatherhood naturally and easily. And Maiana is springing to life in so many wonderful ways.

Thanks to all our friends and families and neighbors for your amazing support! Below are a few recent images to share. Stay tuned and check out our EmberPhoto Facebook page for more.

Here’s to another lifetime of adventure…

-Brian, Emily and Lil’ Maiana

Emily rakes for quahogs in early May while Maiana sleeps peacefully in our trusty chest pouch…

Maiana just taking it all in…

Brian’s sister, Lindsay, takes a break from work to say hello…

Maiana assumes full mush-pile status (deep sleep) alongside one of our favorite streams…

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Recent Published Work to Share

This past fall, Woman’s Adventure featured an image we captured while packing up the ski-bikes during our recent month long, self-supported and bicycle-powered skiing adventure through Arctic Norway.

We published a photo-driven feature in N Magazine this past fall, celebrating the fall tropical storm and surfing season along the New England coast. Here’s a glimpse at the center spread, below, and the full feature, HERE.

An image we captured while skiing in the High Peaks of New York’s Adirondacks last season ran as a spread in Powder magazine alongside a story about skiing the region after the passage of Tropical Storm Irene in August of 2011. Irene produced dozens of new landslides, many of which are skiable, in the Dacks.

Black Diamond Equipment Ltd., makers of top-notch equipment for backcountry skiing and climbing, featured this image on their website this past fall. We captured the image while approaching a peak above our seashore camp well after midnight during early May in Arctic Norway.

Vermont’s BTV Magazine, which covers the Burlington, VT scene, chose our image for the cover of their winter edition. The image feature’s Emily’s sister, Leah, enjoying some freshly falling snow here at home in the Green Mountains.

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Baby Snowflake

We’ve got a little girl on the way. We’ve been calling her Little Snowflake. And while she seems to be very much enjoying her time in the womb – including the nearly sixty ski days she’s logged, albeit upside down and backwards! – we expect to meet her very soon during the month of February. So stay tuned for more updates!

Camera Info: Canon 7D, 95mm, ISO 250, 1/200, f16;

If you are interested in any images within our growing selection of fine-art photography, please contact us or take a look at our Print Pricing page, for more info. Thanks!

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Sunrise in the Greens

Camel’s Hump and Mad River Glen’s historic Single Chair stand tall above an undercast sky during recent sunrise over Vermont’s Green Mountains. The photo was captured a few days before Christmas, at the beginning of a three week cycle of very snowy and wintry weather.

Camera Info: Canon 7D, 110mm, ISO 160, 1/400, f18;

If you are interested in any images within our growing selection of fine-art photography, please contact us or take a look at our Print Pricing page, for more info. Thanks!

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There’s nothing like the taste and satisfaction of home-grown food from the garden…

Camera Info: Canon 7D, 24mm, ISO 400, 1/125, f4.5;

If you are interested in a print of the image above or any images within our growing selection of fine-art photography, please contact us or take a look at our Print Pricing page, for more info. Thanks!

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Recent Published Work to Share – Late Summer 2012

Opening page to a four-page feature sharing tips for fall-season photography in Vermont Sports’ Sept/Oct 2012 issue.

The Green Mountain Club (GMC) recently selected our image for us on the cover of their latest edition of their Long Trail hiking guidebook, which was recently released for the 2012 hiking season.

This image, captured by Emily, was featured as the opening spread to a multi-page photo essay we developed for Nantucket Magazine’s August 2012 issue about trail-riding on Nantucket Island.

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