This past fall, Woman’s Adventure featured an image we captured while packing up the ski-bikes during our recent month long, self-supported and bicycle-powered skiing adventure through Arctic Norway.

We published a photo-driven feature in N Magazine this past fall, celebrating the fall tropical storm and surfing season along the New England coast. Here’s a glimpse at the center spread, below, and the full feature, HERE.

An image we captured while skiing in the High Peaks of New York’s Adirondacks last season ran as a spread in Powder magazine alongside a story about skiing the region after the passage of Tropical Storm Irene in August of 2011. Irene produced dozens of new landslides, many of which are skiable, in the Dacks.

Black Diamond Equipment Ltd., makers of top-notch equipment for backcountry skiing and climbing, featured this image on their website this past fall. We captured the image while approaching a peak above our seashore camp well after midnight during early May in Arctic Norway.

Vermont’s BTV Magazine, which covers the Burlington, VT scene, chose our image for the cover of their winter edition. The image feature’s Emily’s sister, Leah, enjoying some freshly falling snow here at home in the Green Mountains.

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