Assignment work in Utah

We recently wrapped up nearly two weeks of travel and assignment work out in Utah’s Wasatch Mountains. It snowed nearly 100″ while we were there, and we captured some great images. We also spent some great time connecting with folks that embody the skiing spirit that is so alive and well at places like Alta, Utah, including many Vermont and Mad River Glen skiers who were out west chasing the big Wasatch snow cycle. Many skiers have long thought that there is a very real and powerful connection between Alta, UT and Mad River Glen, VT – and it goes well beyond the fact that these two resorts are open to skiers only (there is no snowboarding allowed at either resort). There is something about the skiers at these places, something in the way the snow falls, something deeply spiritual, perhaps, that bonds these two ski areas. We’ve been trying to get to the bottom of it, so stay tuned for a few stories on the subject. For now, here are a few images to share from the Alta side of the equation…

One thought on “Assignment work in Utah

  1. Congratulations on your perfect timing guys! Looks like the Wasatch treated you better than you could have imagined, WOW. I am flying out to Park City for a week of skiing between Feb 16-22. I can only hope that I get half this lucky. Cheers!

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